I haven't actually handled one but *Robert Monaghan's 3rd party lens megasite
http://medfmt.8k.com/third/cult.html#kiron describes it as a good value.

It is after all 1.5 stops faster than the m28/3.5 so at least in that area you've gotten an improvement.
Juan Buhler wrote:

Has anyone used the Kiron 28mm f2?  I was just at the B&H site getting
an extra CF card (1GB, should be enough with the 2GB I have and the
CompactDrive pd7x.)

They had one of these in their used department for $80, which I
ordered, after a brief googling of the lens seemed to indicate that it
is at least passable.

Anyone knows how it compares with the M28/3.5?  I plan to use it on
the istD, and/or give it to Rolling Red to use with her istDs.



I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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