John Francis wrote:
On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 11:12:59PM +0100, Bob W wrote:


Actually, I've done my hot young babe thing.  About 5 years ago, I
dated a lovely lady about 17 years my junior.  I gotta tell ya, it was
an ego-booster.  Only lasted about 6 months, though,

We've all done that, Frank. Plus the convertible and the hours at the gym. It's called a mid-life crisis.

Not all of us.

  1) I'm still with the same partner I was with 30 years ago.
     That doesn't leave me a lot of time for dating young babes.
     (or a lot of energy, come to that . . .)

Toooo much information!

     I will admit I did ask, when she turned 42, if I could
     trade her in for a couple of 21-year-olds.  Her answer?
     "Sure, if you could find two dumb enough to take you"

  2) What's wrong with convertibles?  I had one nearly thirty
     years ago (a Triumph Vitesse), and I got a different one
     in 1986 - a Mustang GT.  I've still got that one.  And in
     a year or so I expect to replace it with yet another one;
     we're thinking about a MINI Cooper "S" convertible, with
     the John Cooper "Works" package, as a replacement, to go
     along with our existing MINI Cooper.

Convertibles are baldy, fat old men cars. You either need two wheels or, to _really_ hold on to your youth (pun intended), an absolutely standard sub compact (over here it is something like a Vauxhall Corsa or the base model Peugot 205) and put every external make-it-look-fast goody onto the bodywork, tint or mirror the glass and put a 5lb coffee tin with both ends cut off on the exhaust, after you belt holes all the way through the silencer. Then you install a stereo that causes the wiring harness to melt, even though you have gold connectors throughout, and drive around as fast (that is, really, really slow) as the 100k mile motor can wheeze at, with the sound system turned up until your eardrums perforate and anyone closer than 15 yards can feel their intestines move.

At least, that's how it's done around here.  Pictures may follow....


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