frank theriault wrote on 05.04.05 1:56:

> Japan is a county of 130,000,000 people.  It's population is largely
> affluent.  It's population seems to love the latest in high-tech
> gizmos, and I'm thinking that DSLR's are included therein.
That's true. What is interesting however, from what I've read - Japan is one
of the countries where film is still very popular among advanced
photographers. It has still a strong position for instance among wedding
photographers. There are a lot of positive film lovers - proof in Fuji offer
for Japan - Velvia 100 (not 100F) was there available about one year before
UE and USA... And sales of expensive (over 2000 USD) Nikon F6 proofs it too.

> Whatever place they are in the world camera market, they are a
> significant and important market.  That Pentax is making a significant
> dent in that market is A Good Thing (as Martha Stewart would say).
Yes, it seems that Ds sales are exactly as expected by Pentax. This company
was never serious contender for giants like Canon or Nikon, but it always
had more or less fixed share on SLR/DSLR market. Let's hope they will be
able to keep up with the forthcoming ~600 USD class Nikon D50...

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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