I figure I should chime in here...

I am extremely happy with my processing lab. I am not in a metropolis. It has nothing to do with the fact that I am considered part of the family - they treat all their customers well.
I have some wedding reprints that have a color shift that I am not happy with. I mentioned it to the clerk and he said that there would be no problem with having them reprinted. This is something they do with anyone - I understand how people can have bad days and so do they. I rarely have had to have them reprint photos.

There is a drop in film processing, but the pros do come to them for printing of their digital images. I even put a shot of their lab in the PUG - http://pug.komkon.org/03jun/sync01.html
To cater to the consumer they have just instituted an online printing lab and a 'kiosk' in their lobby.

Happy to see that I have such a resource at hand,

Panama City, Florida

Paul Stenquist wrote:

True enough. So far, those who have expressed confidence in their film processing labs are in LA or San Francisco. We have at least one good pro lab here in Detroit, but, like they're pro clientele, they've gone pretty much over to digital and their film work is now very expensive. The mini lab that used to do good work for me has gone downhill. All the film comes back dirty now.

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