Cesar wrote:

mike wilson wrote:

Cotty wrote:

On 18/4/05, John Francis, discombobulated, unleashed:

So, how do you like your Ford, Cotty (grin)?

Ain't no damn Ford badge on my motor, tosh!

The new ones have Jaguar motors, though. (The old ones use a Buick).

You're talking about the V8s - I have a 2.5 litre four cylinder diesel
that is Land Rover through and through. Our petrol is taxed to the hilt
and costs nearly three GBP per gallon. I could afford to run a V8 without
a problem - but not as well as IS.....

When did you last buy fuel? It's just under 90p a litre up here, which translates to much closer to £5 per gallon in my book. 8-) I suspect double that is not so far away 8-((

And diesel is the most expensive of all....


Interesting about the diesel... I am used to seeing diesel being the least expensive, outside the USA. I do recall a time when in the USA people were buying diesel cars since it was cheaper. This is no longer the case from what I have seen though.

Used to be the case here, also. Until our charming (what to call our politicians? that word is too nice for them. anyway, _them_) realised that if everyone bought a diesel car, which was looking likely to happen about 10 years ago, their revenue would go down. So they wacked some extra tax on it.

Flavour of the month is LPG, at about half the cost of other fuels. That will get the whammy in the next few years. But, as the raw cost of fuel is set to rocket, a bit of extra tax will not seem too bad.

Enjoying taking time off from 'obligations' and just having time to myself,

Panama City, Florida

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