
John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia
----- Original Message ----- From: "P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Stupid Computer Week.

Well, I've just been forced to upgrade just about everything.

First my Win2K server bites the big one. Mother board and Processor fried. No big loss I got both for free, and they were getting long in the tooth, I can re-use just about everything else in the case. I then discover that no new mother boards will use my the ancient video card so add that to the mix, (well at least I could re-use the case and drives).

Next I discover the reason that the MB fried, the power supply smokes, yep just dies with a puff of acrid smoke, luckily it doesn't take anything else with it... this time. So it's off for a new power supply. Now everything seems to be copasetic. Of course Win2K boots to a blue screen, wrong drivers and all, but that's cool just re-install the OS. Damn, I forgot it would forget about all the software, (and updates, did I mention about updates...), so after getting hooked into the network fiddling with settings until everything can see each other and spending literally days downloading updates, it's time to reinstall software. I figure I'll do the stuff I have local first so I attach to the 85GB drive on my photo machine and start installing over the network. After the first couple of programs it STOPS! The network connection is frozen.

The photo machine is blue-screened. The 4 year old 85GB decided to die right now!!! (It too appears to have smoked, same acrid smell of burned insulation, but everything else seems to be fine). It had the most unused space so I had a fair amount stored there. I've lost my PDML archive, most of the software and utilities I've downloaded and didn't bother to back up, and about 30 megs of images from the *ist-D that I hadn't backed up yet. (Not to mention a number of software projects that hadn't been worked on in a while that I hadn't bothered to save). Oh yes, my address book and calendar are gone as well web bookmarks, sheesh, you'd think I'd never had a hard drive fail before, but you get sloppy. Most things can be re-created but it will be just such a pain for weeks, maybe even months....

<Pentax Content>
On a positive side I've been able to install all the latest Pentax *ist-D software and I've decided that Pentax Remote assistant is actually pritty cool and maybe even usefull.
</Pentax Content>

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