----- Original Message -----
From: "Eduardo Carone Costa Júnior"
Subject: Re: Multiple exposures

> Thanks for the precise explanations. just one more question:
How do you
> determine how many exposures do you need to get it right? My
guess is that,
> on that particular photo, one second exposures wouldn't be
short enough to
> do the trick...

I first decide what aperture I need to secure sufficient depth
of field, or which aperture is best on the lens in question if
DOF is not a consideration. I then meter the scene to determine
the exposure time needed for that aperture.
While I am working this out, I am also determining what shutter
speed would best serve the effect I want to achieve. Do I want
the moving water to be as sharp as possible, perhaps slightly
soft will do.
So, now I have determined the amount of exposure needed, and the
increments that I will be using to get there. Divide one into
the other to determine the number of shutter releases needed.
The complication that arises is that a sort of reciprocity
failure comes into play with this process, so it can be a bit of
a guessing game to get it correct.

William Robb
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