If needed, I used PS options. But, recently I read the fallowing which suggestes RAW upscaling is better.

"For the camera that capture square pixels, there is usually very little difference b/w resizing in Camera RAW and upsizing in PS using Bicubic....

For cameras that capture non-square pixels, the native size is the one that most closely preserves the original pixel count, meaning that one dimention is upsampled while the other is downsampled. The next size up preseserves the pixel count along the highter resolution dimension, upsampling the lower resolution dimension to match and create square pixels in the converted image.This size preserves maximum amount of detail for non-square-pixel cameras, and it will typically produce better results than converting to the smaller size and then upsampling in PS.
From "Real World Camera RAW with Adobe Photoshop CS" by Bruce on page number

bye Ramesh
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: Re: Why and How I switched to Canon (for those who care) long
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Ramesh Kumar" Subject: Re: Why and How I switched to Canon (for those who care) long

I assume you also do resampling..
what method you use for resampling?

In the Photoshop RAW converter, you have the option of upsizing during the conversion process.

William Robb

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