On 4/27/05, D. Glenn Arthur Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've started developing film at home, using Sprint developer.
> Oddly, I've been getting better results with 120 than with 35mm,
> though I may have finally solved that (I just don't know why).
> Sprint says this developer is the same as D76 diluted 1:1, but
> the times on the bottle don't match those on Kodak's web site.
> This morning I used Kodak's times for the 35mm Tri-X and Sprint's
> times for 120 Tri-X, and oddly, both came out pretty.
> So a tangential question is, "Why?" ...

Getting into this late, but, how much developer are you using? And how
large are the 35mm rolls?
I find that if I need to do two rolls of 36-shot 35mm in D-76 1:1, I
have to use more developer than is necessary to just cover the film. I
usually use one of the 3-roll tanks, and use a full 900ml of
developer. If I only use 600ml, enough to cover the film, it gets
exhausted before the film develops fully.
Dunno why the different between Sprint and Kodak for the times, but I
have noticed a bit more grain using the Sprint developer than I have
w/ real Kodak D-76. Though the fact that you can reuse the Sprint
developer works in its favor...


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