To pick up on one point of Shel's and Markus's comments...

[Original Message]
From: "Shel Belinkoff"
> From: Markus Maurer

> And frankly, I enjoy taking photos with my old equipment and could do well
> without all that computer work afterwards...

Yes, old gear is nice to use, but then, so is new gear.  For me, the
simplicity of old cameras allows an easier, less distracting way to shoot.
In some ways using older cameras can be more like using a P&S camera than
some P&S cameras are <LOL>

That struck a chord with me. I _like_ the simplicity of the K1000 and MX (well particularly the K1000 out of those two) compared to the ME-Super (or my digital P&S). I find the exposure compensation, manual push buttons and the rotary switch around the shutter a little too fussy. Mind you I've been using the K1000 so long now most anything will seem a bit cluttered with buttons I guess ;-)


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