Hi Markus,
I should make things a bit clearer. I like the _simplicity_ of the K1000 over the MX. There are plenty of things about the MX I prefer over the K1000 too (lighter weight, DOF preview, larger viewfinder, smaller size)!
But to answer your original question, The K1000 has a completely un-cluttered (i.e. non-distracting) viewfinder. I'm not at all confident about composition anyway so the less distraction here the better I guess.
Also I have a preference for the swing needle over the traffic light LEDs, not quite sure why (they're ever-so "digital" aren't they <vbg>). I'm sure some else mentioned that point too a day or so ago. I've often had trouble seeing the MX's LEDs in bright daylight, similarly if the sun is glancing off the aperture ring numbers they can wash out in the little display above the frame. Yes, I know it is equally difficult to see the K1000 needle in the dark, but I'm expecting other problems (difficulty in focusing, framing) at that point, so it seems like less of an issue perhaps.
Have I just confused you more now? Bottom line is I'll happily use either. After all they're both light-tight boxes with some sort of shutter and film transport that can be stuck on the back of a lens :-)


From: "Markus Maurer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Eric
I'm tempted by an auction for a MX ending in a few days. I would use it as
second body instead of the P30 with the 24mm
wide angle lens.
I never had a MX but started with the ME Super as my first SLR
back in 1981.  I heard a lot of good things about the MX and have read about
the limitations on BOZ too.
But, can you tell me in a few words why  you prefer the K1000 over the MX?

Thanks in advance

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