----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph Tainter"
Subject: Re: OT: Darkroom temperature control.

Unfortunately the tap water here runs 70-74 degrees at its
coldest in summer.


I have seen (but never patronized) photo-processing places in Mali, where I have experienced temperatures of 140 F (60 C). These places do not have any sort of cooling. I have always wondered how they process film. I suspect that they just do it at whatever temperature the water and chemicals happen to be at.

All the labs that I have run have had liquid cooling available. This ability is dependant on a cool water supply though. Emulsion will fall off the film at temperatures not much more than 50ºC, and the C-41 process, while bombproof, will kaak entirely at about 50ºC as well, as that is when the chemistry separates. I expect they are doing some sort of cooling.

William Robb

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