I was in Newfoundland for two weeks two years ago. I had my laptop with me, however. I'm not sure I would have wanted to be relying on stores for my storage. There aren't a whole lot of them, and it's a big place! I just remember being amazed at how built up Cape Breton had gotten in just two weeks. :-) It's a wonderful place, nice people, too.

At 1:29 PM -0400 7/21/05, Dave Kennedy wrote:
Thanx Dave, Godfrey, Danilo, Bruce.

Sounds like the best solution is a portable storage device. I'll have
to check into the financial feasibility of that.

 BTW you'll love Newfoundland. Been there before have we.??

Once. About 18 years ago. A trip with the in-laws (who used to live
there).  Didn't get to see too much of the island, but met alot of the
natives. We're hoping to see more this time around.


Alan P. Hayes
Meaning and Form: Writing, Editing and Document Design
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

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