On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, Jack Davis wrote:

There was a time I avoided using Fuji print film due
to my perception of a yellow bias.

In my case (and as I was typing I thought that) the issue may have been the lab warming up colours. I found a mail-order lab that uses Fuji equipment and paper and I ask them not to warm colours; the fact I see that written on their return envelope and that I like my prints puts my mind at rest :-)

Do you rarely make enlargements and find the 400's an
exposure convenience?

I started with the 400s because I only had slow zooms and it stuck. Scotland is rather dark as well, usually. Plus I frequently shoot indoors with flash. I occasionally use Reala 100 for the garden colour but this year it just rested in the fridge. The largest I have had printed is A4, both Superia 400, and the critical eye of a colleague commented favourably. I also seldom bracket; in the general case I rate them as 320 and meter off my palm.

Try them, you may like them. Certainly don't take my word for it.


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