----- Original Message ----- From: "Toralf Lund"
Subject: Re: Pentax Future? What's next for Pentax...

I like quality camera equipment. In 1975, I bought a Nikon F2s for professional use. The cameras that Pentax was offering at the time were a joke by comparison, and the F2 had been around for six years already.

I don't know much about the cameras of 1975, but are you sure that was because they couldn't, and not because they wouldn't? Perhaps Pentax produced cameras that were a joke because joke cameras was their line of business? Shouldn't you compare the quality with Nikons targeted for the joke market? Are Peugeot (it's the car I drive) behind, say, Honda because Honda unveiled a new formula one car last year, and Peugeot hasn't responded yet - when they don't have a formula one team in the first place (I think)?

It is immaterial whether they could, or couldn't, or anything else.
In the mid 1960s. they made world class cameras, as good as just about anything else out there.
By the early 1970s, they had been left in the dust by their competition.

Your metaphor is pretty nonsensical. We are discussing consumer goods, not racing cars. However, if you really want an answer, I would buy a Honda over a Peugot any day.

William Robb

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