I assume this is why I saw the lens modified (rather than an adapter). I suspect that this requires that the lens barrel itself be shortened such that all the elements are moved back with respect to the mount (projecting the rear element about 1 mm into the camera body). This likely requires an internal modification of the position of the focusing helix with respect to the internal lens barrel and shaving of some internal metal. Such a modification is likely to be delicate and one way - once you do it, there's no turning back.

I think...

By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy;
if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
- Socrates

From: "Cotty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 6/10/05, Lucas Rijnders, discombobulated, unleashed:

Sorry: still confused... To quote from your resource:

"For an adapter to slip in between the body and lens of differing
manufacturers, the registration distance of the lens must be greater than
the registration distance of the body"

In this case, the registration distance of the lens (45,46mm) is _smaller_
than that of the body (46,50mm). So it wouldn't work. I think. Or, I think
I think...

Now you're getting me confused ;-)

For an adapter (without lens elements) to work, the register distance of
the body *must* be less than the register distance of the lens.

EOS register: 44mm
Pentax register: 45.46mm
Nikon register: 46.50mm

Oh God.

You're right.

And so was I when I posted:


On 5/10/05, Herb Chong, discombobulated, unleashed:

i wish i could mount the
Limiteds on the body and use them. Nikon doesn't have anything equivalent to
the 31 Limited.

Pentax register: 45.46mm
Nikon register:  46.50mm

1mm out!

and going the wrong way. Well if I couldn't mill 1 mm off the back of a
Limited, and stick a Nikon flange on, my name's not Dr Frankenstien.

Anything's doable. Send 'em along to me Herb :-)


It's that bloody Allingator!!!!!!

I'm going to spend one year collecting all the vomit my cats eject, bag
it frozen in small hessian sacks, and have it shipped over to be dropped
from a Sikorski Skycrane onto Pete Alling's head.

Lucas, I owe you an apology.

Herb, it's still doable. 1mm would have to be removed from the back of
the lens. I'll look into it properly once my grey matter has receded
several hundred degrees in temperature.

Now I'm going to lie down in a small dark room.

Good night.


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