Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 11/11/05, Rob Studdert, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>> >
>>> f*(&%^^*ing know-it-all web designers!  What a terrible site.
>>I'll have to tell him, one of my close friend designed the site :-)
>You can tell him from me that it's shit. I hate the dumbing down that
>goes on, that forces the viewer to take courses of actions with little
>control over the way back. The pics are not much better.
>Other than that it's fine.

Horrible usability: I couldn't see anything on the site because it uses
Flash on the main page and JavaScript for navigation (both of these
things will also insure that this site gets a very poor ranking in the
search engines). The designer definitely needs to read
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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