On Nov 24, 2005, at 1:10 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

Yes, and many folks go back to film after the new wears off.

You must know a lot of folks that I've never met. I've met a few photographers who dabbled in film again after going to digital, but they're a tiny percentage of the whole. Film is great. I'm still in love with the whole process, and I enjoy darkroom work. But go back? It just doesn't make sense.

I know one guy who returned to film process for his B&W after going to a DSLR for a year or two. Of course, this is the same guy who for years balked and squirmed about any camera that weighed more than 8 ounces or was larger than could fit in his pocket, and the DSLR + Lens combination he fell in love with is one of the largest, heaviest setups out there.

What that says about the consistency of his decision making I leave up to you to decide. But to me, looking at his film and digital work, I am hard put to see a difference. Which is as it should be ... it's the photographs that matter in the end, not the process used to make them. He does good work, albeit not entirely to my taste aesthetically a good bit of the time.


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