Cotty wrote:

On 29/11/05, Doug Brewer, discombobulated, unleashed:

frank (who's never had any problem un-subbing or re-subbing in 5 years
on the list)

Which brings up an interesting poll = how long have you been subscribed
to this list in one continuous period? Doesn't count if you unsub/resub
even for 5 minutes!

I daren't say, I would be such a sad git.

Does cheating count? I'm subscribed twice. Once from home, normally, once from work, nomail option. I unsub from my home address if I'm going to be away from home more than about a week, simply because I know that I'll never catch up but I'll "waste" a lot of time trying. Although I do miss you all, terribly 8-)))

The nomail account has never been unsubbed and has been running from about two months after we moved from Pentax. I had nomail there, also, and that ran for two or three years previous to the move.


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