Aren't we all being a little too sensitive about this? Not you, Scott, but in general it seems that a lot of people suspect that Shel had some devious motive in asking this question. You would think he asked how many need drugs to cope with erectile dysfunction problems. It's just an interesting topic (film vs. digital, not erectile dysfunction drugs vs. unaided). In any case, I would hope that no one takes offense.
On Dec 11, 2005, at 6:47 PM, keith_w wrote:

Shel Belinkoff wrote:
Not at all ... I was just curious, trying to get a sense of how many
have/have not converted.  And, FYI, I've sold my DSLR

Ummmm, I seem to have missed something...
I thought you had just got _into_ digital! I mean, within the last year?
And now you're leaving it?
I don't know why...
Perhaps you said, but I didn't read that/those posts! Sorry!

I have and use digital, altho' I don't yet use a DSLR.
That said, I DO use a great digital that uses a very capable electronic viewfinder, which is the same thing, in principal...

I not only have no plan to lose those digital cameras, but in fact have enforced my dedication to film use by just recently buying a couple more MF cameras! I believe film will continue to be used, especially among the old timers who grew up with it. And so long as someone continues to make film!

I thought you were one of those diehards, Shel! No disrespect meant ~ either way!

And since when does asking a question equate to "proselytizing?"

Doesn't. Never did...



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