I was to late home to reply on the first message. Kids getting sick are the
worst thing that can happen to a man. Now I am happy it turned out ok.

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds 
(Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 21. desember 2005 00:08
> To: pentax list
> Subject: Medical Interlude - Resolution
> Thanks for everyone's concern - it was overwhelming to be able to read
> out your responses to the young man as he lay in bed, although I'm
> surprised he heard me as i was competing with the cartoon network and re-
> runs of Friends on the pull-down LCD TV - he is very thankful, as I am.
> Good news: it's not appendicitis, rather a nasty viral infection of the
> abdominal glands with symptoms much like appendicitis. Stefan improved
> markedly this afternoon and the surgeon kicked him out. I think it was
> when he was spotted using a tatty old teddy bear as an ad-hoc football
> in the corridor that the decision may have been taken ;-)
> We left at 8pm and he is back home now fast asleep in his bed, still
> with some discomfort but nowhere near the levels I was half-expecting
> him to reach this morning if it had been his appendix. As many have
> pointed out, the pain is apparently excruciating and in some ways the
> doctors expect one to breach this pain level as it provides good ground
> for diagnosing appendicitis. Not a bad method - it works. Stefan didn't
> reach the pain level. Quite the contrary: he improved, hence no
> operation necessary - always a good thing.
> Naturally I snapped him in his hospital bed doubtless he expects it to
> appear on the web in due course ;-)
> Once again, thanks for all your concerns. It once again illustrates what
> a marvellous community of people there are here from across the world. I
> am indebted to you all.
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
> ___/\__
> ||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
> ||=====|    http://www.cottysnaps.com
> _____________________________

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