This one time, at band camp, Jack Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for summing up you reaction to a quick spin with the latest 16.7
> Canon.
> You took a quick turn at the point where you brought in the 'blad H1
> and if you had an image comparison comment, I missed it. Does the 'blad
> carry a 22mp back?
> If you find a moment, I'd appreciate your impression of the relative
> image performance between the two.

Yes the H1 has a 22 megapixel 48.9mm x 36.7mm back. I find the idea of removable
backs appealing in that the body can still be used for film, and when better
technology becomes available it is relatively simple to change over to the new 

As far as image comparisons go, I cant be too accurate here as I have not had 
side-by-side. At 100 ISO I doubt I could'nt pick it with the naked eye. At 800 
1600 I think the blad starts to edge in front a little. But I don'nt know that 
it is
a AUD $25,000.00 improvement.

Kind regards

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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