Jostein commented: "Next time I travel, I will try to wear my 500/4.5... :-)"

When I travelled on charter flights with a 5 kg carry-on limit, I often wore some of my photo gear, since my loaded camera bag weighs over 7 kg, not counting film, plus I stick it in my carry-on bag, along with shaver and underwear. Accordingly, I wore the MZ-S on a strap around my neck, with 70-200 2.8 attached, put the flash in a pocket, perhaps a short lens in another pocket, and all the film in still another pocket. The big lens usually attracts some attention, so I've sometimes had to remove it so security can have a look through it.

Naturally, it all goes back in the bag once I'm past security. The onboard staff sometimes ask why it's so heavy when they hoist it into the overhead bin, but I say nothing. The modern 11 kg limit is more sensible and much easier to deal with.

As for checked luggage, the 20 kg charter limit can be a problem. One time I took "20 kg, 2 suitcases" to mean "2 suitcases, each weighing max 20 kg", not 20 kg total. Oops! When I stated that I needed both bags, I was asked what was in the second bag. I mentioned mask, fins, and snorkel, and was told, "Oh, sports gear, that's alright! The second bag is fine." After that, I'd throw in the snorkel gear so I could bring my lighting stands, reflectors, and extra clothes (I used to be ready for any model shooting opportunity). Now, with the 30 kg limit, life is much simpler.

Pat White

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