On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:57:24 -0000, John Forbes wrote:

>Here is a concrete proposal:
>"The maximum dimensions for a PUG picture shall be 1024 pixels wide AND  
>768 pixels high."

I think that is stretching it a bit too much ...
At those dimensions, the filesizes would about triple compared to 600x400.

I vote for 800 pixels along the longest side ...
(This would still DOUBLE the average filesize!)

>I would guess that a very large majority of screens nowadays can display  
>1024 x 768.

Probably, but on most it would cause scrollbars anyway since some
amount of web-browser and PUG-navigation will be there as well.
This would force almost anyone to keep looking for the <Next> link :-)

>John (expecting a deluge of posts from WAP phone users demanding 72 x 48)


Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com/gallery

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