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--- Jay Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> PDML'ers,
> Please say a prayer for my daughter Nicole. Some of you may remember 
> the photos I usually post of my grandson; she is his Mom.  She was 
> admitted to the hospital this evening. We do not know what is wrong 
> with her. She's been experiencing headache, chest pain and elevated 
> heart rate. She went to the emergency room yesterday where they ran 
> some tests including EKG which showed no abnormality. After a nights 
> rest she still was feeling bad this morning so she went to see her 
> doctor. Their office could not determine what is going on with her
> and 
> recommended that she be hospitalized for observation and further
> tests. 
> The medical team there discussed further tests including her spleen
> and 
> a CAT scan  as well.
> Thank you,
> JayT

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