William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: Religon, Christ vs. the Other Guy

What do you consider evidence? That's a key question.

Actual proof that something exists.
In your gravity example, the fact that I am (more than I care for) solidly attached to the chair I am sitting in is proof that what we call gravity is real.

that doesnt prove anything. for a you know, your brain could be in a jar in some extragalactic laboratory, being fed stimulus that makes you think gravity exists. for all we know, we might just be meta physical beings on some journey of self discovery with all this "evidence" of other stuff that doesnt actually exist. see Goedel, we cannot prove anything.

Understanding the mechanics of it doesn't matter.

My wife's eyes glaze over when I start explaining the finer points of carburetion, but this doesn't stop her from using her carburetted Toyota to drive downtown.

In the God example, the evidence (for me) just isn't there.

its not meant to be there. you have to make a leap of faith. its this way by design. i can elaborate this quite a bit if you want me to offline.

You may believe in a supreme being (actually, so do I, but not in the same way religious people do), a creator or whatever, but I have been shown no hard proof of this existence.

religion can really get in the way of faith. the two are not interchangable, even though many people do treat them as a singular subject.

William Robb

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