On 2/21/06, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know why you call it a strawman, and I don't really care if you do.
> That term is thrown out way too often as a means of combatting an opposing
> view.
> What's evidence? The cell is is a far more complex machine than humans have
> ever devised or imagined.  We've only begun to understand how it works
> within the last 100 years.  In human experience, where there is order and
> design, there is a designer and an intelligence behind it.  People of all
> kinds and backgrounds routinely conclude that objects are made and
> manufactured by intelligent minds.  Even an artifact, an arrowhead laying in
> the dirt is posited to have a maker, and it's far less complex than a single
> cell.

Maybe it's evidence that nature (and evolution in particular) works
much better than you imagine.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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