Hey Bruce,

This helps.

Since I don't have any digital gear I'll have to try pushing Provia 400F to
3200 as TomC recommended.  Better get the DOF I guess than open
the lens up and get a faster shutter speed.  Though those decisions will
have to wait till I get to see the inside of the place.


On 2/27/06, Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since we have continued talking about the aquarium, I thought I would
> post another that will illustrate a bit of the difficulty in shooting
> here.
> If you look at the shooting data, you can see how dim it is in here.
> I think the subject movement works here, but it is quite a slow
> shutter speed - a tripod won't make much difference.  I think film
> would be worse here as you also have a color correction issue that
> will cost you a some more light in filtration.
> Pentax *istD, DA 16-45/4, Handheld, manual focus, manual metering,
> ISO 3200, 1/10 sec @ f/4.0, 45mm focal length
> http://www.daytonphoto.com/PAW/bkd_2943.htm
> Comments welcome
> --
> Bruce

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