I believe that is a fair prediction based on what I've
seen with my cameras. Pentax manuals do state that
using the "A" setting on a body that doesn't support
it will result in incorrect metering.

As the aperture ring is closed down to "A", the
aperture simulator tab on the mount continues to go
past f/22, yet the aperture gets no smaller. This was
observed by me on an A50/2. 

--- John Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe lenses set on "A" will behave as if set to
> f22 (although
> the metering circuitry may very well believe they're
> set to f32).
> I'd guess lenses without aperture rings will behave
> the same way,
> and stop all the way down, rather than remaining
> wide open.

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