Hi all,

Wondering if anyone on the list might be able to shed some light on the

I've upgraded to ACDSee Pro recently, and find the new integrated RAW
processing quite useful. However, I've come across a bit of a hiccup. Doing
a lot of shots of fire performance, I have more than a few shots with
featuring fire against a dark background. While converting these RAW files
with PSCS2 yields pretty decent jpgs with smooth coloured flame from orange
to white, ACDSee seems see significant yellow splotches in the flames, and I
can't seem to remove it with any histogram or colour adjustments..

Not too major an issue; my current workspace, as a result, is a combination
of ACDSee RAW conversion with the exception of for fire shots, which I do in
PSCS. Just thinking it shouldn't have to be.

Any thoughts? TIA.


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