frank theriault wrote:
On Mon, 8 May 2006 22:46:36 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I, as many on this list will be very upset if B&W disappears.


Even I, a B&W diehard, have to admit that the appropriate phraseology
ought to be:  "when B&W disappears"...  :-(


I'd expect B&W labs to eventually disappear. I don't expect B&W film to disappear, and you can make the necessary chemicals and paper (Well, not silver gelatin, but Platinum Palladium paper is relatively easy to make).

At worst, we'll be shooting view cameras with glass plates in 20 years. But B&W will still be there.

Colour on the other hand will probably die off in 10-20 years. It's too expensive to manufacture and very little can be done by the enthusiast unlike B&W which really only relies on film manufacture, which is simpler than colour film to make.


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