Out of focus rendering is a fundamental property of a particular lens... It's quite difficult to change a harsh rendering to a pleasing one. Mixtures of different kinds of blurring and filtering sometimes can help, but depending upon the particular image, they all fall apart ultimately.

Keeping the composition simple and working with a particular background when it is unavoidable just takes a lot lot of hand work and insight if you have a lens with harsh OOF rendering. There's not really much else you can do.


On May 10, 2006, at 6:24 AM, Tim Øsleby wrote:

Gonz is onto something when he points at the harsh bokeh. So now I wonder: Is there anything I can do to make it less harsh in Phootoshop (Elements 3)? Gaussian Blur is one obvious answer. It helps, but it does not take it right
where I want.
Does anybody have some input on this?
The picture is here
If anybody feels like playing with a larger version, please give me a hint
and I'll send the file directly.

Judging from other examples, it looks like I will face the same problem now
and then with this lens combo.

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