In a message dated 5/7/2006 10:32:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Finally pulled together a gallery of some 26 pix to post.  Not expecting 
comments on all, but if you see something you like or dislike, I'll 
accept kudos and/or brickbats.  Except as noted in the comments, all 
photos taken with either a DS or DS2.

BTW, "Freedom of Speech" is *not* designed to illicit flame wars about 
the content.  The only statement here is that, unlike some places in 
this world, we are free to express our opinions in most any way we choose.

Some very, very nice stuff here. Lovely flower shots, and I like the mill.

I especially like the water droplets on the lily pads, nice composition and 
detail and pleasingly simple. (But there is a little tiny blue thing, that 
looks like a section of slender blue straw on one of the pads, I'd clone that 

Nit picky old me. :-)

Good, good stuff.

Marnie aka Doe 

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