I tried to ignore this honest... but I just couldn't   <VBG>

On my calibrated screen I do notice some color (other than B+W) in the background hills & the foreground bushes - don't know if that was your intent - but its not B+W on my monitor, not that its bad.

I didn't want to see the foreground rock but I did.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PESO -- Connecticut River Picnic.

First it's not really a Picnic, (damn I'm beginning to sound like a GEICO advert.) There is no political or ecological comment intended, well not much of one anyway, and I doubt anyone will see anything they don't want to anyway.

I'm just mainly trying out different methods of producing B&W conversion. This one seems to have given me the best results, and them most flexibility so far. But without further a-do here it is:


Technical Info:
Pentax *ist-Ds ISO 400 @ 1/125sec
smc Pentax-FA 20-35mm f4.0 AL @ f5.6 (28mm)

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored, (even those I like,, and agree with, by the way). Since my last couple of B&W conversions seem to have been ignored, I might as well solicit comments.

When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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