On Jul 11, 2006, at 8:09 AM, David Savage wrote:

> Not really. Ranting or venting implies that you were upset about
> something and you decided to share your grievances with others. As the
> saying goes, "A problem shared is a problem halved"
> You original post read more like you had an epiphany (in its non
> religious meaning. Though considering some of the film v digital
> debates....)

lol ... Going on in that vein, the thread will turn into yet another  
rant/vent/debate/stupid thing.  ;-)

I didn't see anything in Boris' initial post that suggested anything  
other than that he was delighted with the performance of his new  
lenses, he found he still likes his MZ-6 a lot, and that a  
photofinisher made a pretty nice set of prints from a roll of film  
shot with them. Drawing a conclusion about "film vs digital" quality,  
or that Boris had anything to be angry/surprised/outraged over (the  
usual reason for a "rant") seems quite a lot to read into the  
message, and he didn't seem to be ranting at all in his message ...  
Thus my question.


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