Hi Dag,

That's pretty arrogant behaviour from the painter. Hope you get the
painting destroyed. Make sure that he agrees also to destroy any
sketches he made prior to the final painting, and to confirm his
action in writing.


On 7/13/06, DagT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just to keep your minds off politics .-)
> During my holiday I was reading and listening to music but had the TV
> on (and sound off), just in case there was a weather forecast.
> Suddenly something known caught my attention on the TV.  In a program
> about some opera seminar in western Norway a singer was standing in
> front of a painting, and the painting was identical to one of my
> photographs.
> After some detective work, and help from the Norwegian community at
> www.foto.no, I found the painter, and he admitted that he had
> downloaded my picture and used it, but he refused to take the picture
> down and claimed that he was a not a very good painter and therefore
> his  painting was not a copy of my picture. He said that he would
> sell it if someone wanted it and that I could by it if I wanted to.
> Now the story has been twice in the local radio station and will be
> in the local newspaper tomorrow. But since I live in a different part
> of the country I have only seen the references on Internet. One of
> the leading professors in Copyright issues in Norway has stated that
> the painting is illegal, and things seem to be going my way, but it
> has been a busy week...
> here´s a link with where you can see the pictures:
> http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/nrk_sogn_og_fjordane/1.708983
> DagT
> --
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