Neat story, Gotta pay attention to the details. Congratulations Mark!


On 7/27/06, Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
> >You got a job in a university and you call that a "real job" ???
> Well sort of. Half, anyway: There's a considerable separation from
> reality, so the "real" part is somewhat dubious. But I've taught a
> college course before, and my mother spent here career as a college
> professor, so I'm well aware of the enormity of the "job" part of the
> deal. Lotsa work involved...
> There's a whole lot of serendipity involved in my getting this job. I
> picked up the Sunday (July 16) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette classified ads
> on Monday morning after a busy Sunday. I noticed this teaching
> position at Youngstown State University (in Ohio) that looked
> tailor-made for me so I made a note to apply for it. It hadn't been in
> the previous week's paper so I didn't think there would be any urgency
> about it, even though something in the back of my mind thought it was
> late in the year for this kind of position to be advertised.
> I didn't get around to preparing my application materials until
> Tuesday afternoon, at which point I noticed that the application
> deadline was Wednesday, July 19 - the next day! I continued scrambling
> to get materials together and zapped off a quick email to them asking
> if it was OK to apply via email or if they wanted hard copy (I
> mentioned, while hoping not to sound too desperate, that I'd be
> willing to drive up Wednesday if necessary). On Wednesday morning I
> got a reply saying email would be fine (I was just getting ready to
> get in my car to drive up there) so I sent of an email with a ton of
> attachments.
> On Thursday morning I got a phone call asking if I could come up to
> interview and give a brief demonstration lecture on Tuesday.
> So I spent the weekend preparing my presentation and drove up Tuesday
> morning. The woman who had led the search committee recognized me from
> my web page head shot (thanks Cesar!) and I discovered that she:
> Also lives in Pittsburgh and commutes to Youngstown
> And lives less than two miles from me
> Did the same master's program at Duquesne University that I did
> And her husband teaches at Duquesne
> And that she knows the guy with whom I taught the sound course at
> Duquesne last year
> Anyway, my presentation wen *very* well on Tuesday and they called me
> at 9:00 Wednesday morning and offered me the job!
> Job officially starts on Aug 16 (classes begin Aug 28) but I'm going
> to be up to my eyeballs in preparation until then. I suspect the
> teaching workload with new (to me) classes will severely cut down my
> PDML participation time from now on. Whether that's good or bad is
> another matter ;-)
> --
> Mark Roberts Photography & Multimedia
> 412-687-2835
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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