Set up on the feeder and wait. <g>

You can try to use flash to freeze them but I don't care for that look.

I'm not a big fan of feeder pictures. At the camera clinic last August, the GFM 
staff changed out the feeder (that the hummingbirds were used to) for some 
flowers in a vase. You might try that when you're ready to shoot. It worked 
very well. The hummingbirds never missed a beat. I prefocused on the flowers 
and pressed the shutter button everytime a hummingbird appeared in the frame. I 
got a bunch of throwaways but I got one that isn't too bad:

I hope this helps.

Tom Reese

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "cbwaters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So I've finally got some hummingbirds at my feeder on a regular basis.
> Who know how to capture them? (photographically, honest)  
> Care to share tips?

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