> From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/09/11 Mon AM 06:18:33 GMT
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
> Subject: Re: A caution about aging technology
> Then it's worth a lot, just not as a trade in or for resale.  But if it
> works well and helps make good photos - especially photos that sell, or
> even photos that please you, family, and friends - then it's worth a lot
> more than the "book value."
> My old film cameras are worth more than what I can get for them in cash.
> I' always surprised at how often people equate value with cash value.  Or
> usefulness comparing older items without as many bells and whistles to
> newer items with glitzier trappings.
> It seems to me that many people have lost sight of the intrinsic value
> inherent in many items.  My 40+ year old Cadillac convertible can't compete
> with many newer cars in many areas, but I guarantee it generates more
> "smiles per gallon" than most newer cars on the road.

There's a TV programme here called "Flog it!".  People bring their family 
heirlooms to an auction house for valuation and sale.  It never ceases to amaze 
me how people will get rid of something of intrinsic and lasting interest for a 
few pounds for a holiday, car or some clothes.  It's a terribly depressing 


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