This morning, at 8:36 AM, the time of the first strike on the World
Trade Center,I attended a ceremony of rememberance at our local 9/11
memorial.  Our county is one to one and a half hours west of New York
by train (longer by car), and 39 county residents were killed in the
Twin Towers.  Almost every local police, fire and resque unit helped
in the search for survivors, and later, the search for bodies.

Here are two snapshots I took at the dedication of our memorial, two
years ago.  The iron beam is from one of the towers.

Dan M

On 9/10/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I offer this about every year, but especially this year as it is
> the fifth anniversary. I have 9 PDML Digests from September the 11th and
> 12th, 2001. If you would like me to forward them, please contact me off list.
> Meanwhile, my thoughts turn towards the solemn events of that day five
> years ago, as I am sure do many a soul here on this tiny corner of humanity.
> --
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
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