We have images from several digital cameras plus digitized film...

Images from each camera are serialized unique to the camera so that images 
from each camera do not collide while sorting.  Images are then merged by 
time.  They then are renamed again as XXXXYYYY where XXXX is the event ID, 
and YYYY is for each image.  Rolls of film are by roll number, starting at, 
say, roll 50: XXXX5001 and up for the first roll, XXXX5101 and up for the 
second roll, etc.  Variations to each image have a small suffix.

If we shoot more than 50 rolls or 5000 digital images for an assignment, then 
we might have to use more than one assignment #.

It is important for each image to have a totally unique name, so that there 
are not name collisions on websites, indexes, etc.  Having the first four 
digits be an assignment ID makes it easy to tell where to find each image in 
the future.

Directories are named with the assignment number XXXX_<something>, so they are 
easy to find on the hard drives.  The physical file folders in the cabinets 
are in the same format.  There is a database of event IDs.



Brian Dunn Photographic

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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