Good to hear the computer is now operational.  I sure you'll enjoy the 
new one.  I've been pleased with my Dell units. Bit of effort 
configuring them to personal taste, but the improved performance is a 
great reward.

Good luck

Otis Wright

Ann Sanfedele wrote:

>YOu didn't have to reassure me on that - I doubled my Ram
>about a year ago to 512 and
>saw it.  
>Meanwhile - thank goodness, my young techie showed up we got
>the USB ports back up
>So now I don't have an excuse for not working :) 
>I'm supposed to get the new baby on Tuesday...
>I hope the regular UPS guy is on duty cause he knows me and
>there is a chance
>it will actually get delivered then. 
>thank goodness for credit cards
>keith_w wrote:
>>Ann Sanfedele wrote:
>>>Update --
>>>I called 'em back and asked for the 1 gig of ram - it was
>>>another $50
>>You'll just have to take my word for will NEVER be unhappy you got
>>extra RAM!
>>Without except I know about, all computers run more smoothly the more RAM they
>>Pay attention some day to folks that only have 250 or 500 MB.

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