Mark Roberts wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:17:48 -0400, you wrote:
>>Mark Roberts wrote:
>>>Wow. I just thought of some other WWII trivia that's been kicking
>>>around my brain for who-knows-how-many years: Tomorrow, 4 October,
>>>marks the..... 62nd (had to stop and work it out).... anniversary of
>>>the first time a jet aircraft was shot down in combat. The jet was, of
>>>course, a Messerschmitt 262 and the plane that (somehow) succeeded in
>>>shooting it down was a Spitfire Mk XIV.
>>That's pretty cool.  Chuck Yeager shot one down in his P-51D Mustang. 
>>Most 262s were vulnerable during landing and I -believe- that the only 
>>ones shot down were in the process of landing.  Kinda unsporting, but it 
>>counts as a "kill" :-)
> I just did a little digging and found, much to my surprise, that my
> mnemory was correct (though some sources say it was 05 October). I
> should point out that this was the first jet to be shot down by
> another *fighter* plane. I assume this means some got caught in
> crossfire while going through bomber formations earlier.

Actually, I believe the first losses were to V-1's. Meteors flew anti-V1 
missions as early as June 1944 (It entered Squadron service before the 
ME262, although the 262 saw combat first). Otherwise they were likely 
from bombers in August of 44.


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