On 10/3/06, keith_w <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, in that case, you're BOTH wrong.
> His ongoing tirade about how photographs are simply not any truth at ALL, is
> wearing, and of itself, untrue.
> People who think of photos taken of Uncle Joe and Aunt Mattie, and passed
> around for family to see, represent great truth to the viewer.
> Everybody has his or her ideas of how closely the photog "got it right" when
> he took the picture.
> But to have that image purposefully modified for effect, to make it NOT a
> slice in time, is just plain wrong when it implies anything it's not. 
> ANYthing.
> That's the truth, not that faking of photographs for public viewing. That is
> deception and I say it's wrong on the face of it.

Well stated Keith!

Especially the part about Bob W. and Christian being ~both~ wrong.  <LOL>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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