Thanks very much mate.  i can get one pretty cheap, but i really want to 
start with a 45 or 55 so I'll wait.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gianfranco Irlanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: 67 90mm f2.8

>J and K Messervy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What's this lens like?  Any good?  It's not particularly wide,
> but I've
>> found one that's affordable.
>> Would I be better off waiting for a 55?
> Hi James,
> It depends on what you are looking for...
> The 90mm (the "normal" one, not the leaf shutter one) is the
> only 67 lens I bought new. I was looking for a normal lens (I
> already had the 55 and the 165 at the time) but I wasn't sure I
> would have liked the close focusing ability of the 105 so I went
> for the 90.
> It is a great all-around wide-normal lens (in terms of field of
> view it is closer to a 43mm on the 135 cameras, so if you are
> looking for a wide lens it may be disappointing), very small
> although not light for the size. The pictures are reasonably
> sharp at all apertures (I've been told that for wide open
> performance the 105mm is a bit better), definitely tack sharp
> when stopped down from 4-5-6 to 16. Only flaw is a tiny bit of
> distorsion when focusing quite close, but nothing really
> annoying (I used it for architecture a couple of times and it
> was not an issue).
> Hope this helps.
> Ciao,
> Gianfranco
> _
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