On Nov 2, 2006, at 8:15 PM, Bob W wrote:

> You make your own choices (or do you? isn't it compulsory in NZ?)

It is compulsory in NZ, and I just happen to agree that wearing a  
helmet is a good idea for my situation.  I may have become  
indoctrinated by the requirement though :)

The way things are going, I'm almost surprised that I'm not required  
to wear a metre-thick layer of bubblewrap at all times.

> , and you're entitled to your opinion, of course, but your opinion  
> isn't
> obviously supported by facts. A lot of people think it's intuitively
> obvious that a helmet offers more protection than no helmet, but they
> don't appear to offer any protection against the most serious types of
> head injuries, and there is plenty of evidence that they increase the
> likelihood of those injuries.

Nothing can guarantee protection against a really serious head  
injury.  The impact is just too large, and even the best helmets can  
only absorb so much of it.  Personally I doubt they can absorb much;  
the biggest benefit will come from the fact that the impact force is  
spread across the whole head rather than being concentrated on the  
tiny part of the skull that makes contact with the ground.  So it'll  
protect against painful grazes and bruising, it might turn a  
potential cracked skull (ouch!) into a concussion, but anything  
really big is still rolling the dice.

I lean slightly towards the paranoid side and I believe that a helmet  
_can_ help in many situations, and I've heard enough tales from  
people who are only alive today because of one, so I consider it to  
be worth the insignificant expense/inconvenience.  I don't exactly  
relish the prospect of even a minor head injury!

I'm not going to offer any arguments for or against the legal  
mandating of helmets, mainly as I haven't studied the statistics or  
the limitations of the processes used to obtain and interpret them.   
I'm not sure that statistics will tell the full story, as they'll  
only be based on what was reported (I could go out on some tangents  
here).  Merely counting the incidence of serious injuries in a large  
population isn't going to tell me enough to form a full opinion.   
OTOH, neither is talking to a bunch of fellow bikers :)

Another facet which I don't think has been mentioned yet is  
insurance.  In NZ we'll never be refused treatment or the subsequent  
rehabilitation but there may be a condition in my life insurance that  
would deny payment if I was found to be breaking the law, or not  
using what the insurers might define as "reasonable safety  
precautions", by not wearing a helmet.  By that stage I wouldn't be  
around to care, but it would make things a bit more difficult for my  

- Dave

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