When everybody who wants a K10D has got one ion their hands? ;-)
That wont happen before next Christmas ;-)

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

-----Original Message-----
J. Alling
Sent: 18. desember 2006 04:02
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Time for a break ... (Time to do something with thelist

I guess I qualify as an old timer, I don't remember doing anything, it 
just blows over...


Tim Øsleby wrote:
> I've been thinking. 
> I really dislike the free spirit of the list being polluted. What is going
> on is more than the regular friendly spirited flames. 
> I assume this has happened before. So I'm asking the old timers. What did
> you do to get the list back on track again? 
> And please folks, don't give me this "it is all NN's fault" again, that is
> childish and unconstructive. 
> Please excuse my plain tone. Some times I believe in being strait forward.

> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Cassino
> Sent: 18. desember 2006 01:28
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: Time for a break ...
> Hear! Hear! Tim.
> (That's 19th century English for "Yeah, right on!")
> For crying out loud - typing in an obscenity or even just a boorish 
> remark doesn't do anything. If you think a single person is idiotic, 
> well, let them be. Responding to their idiocy just brings in more grief.
> This post is probably pointless, but as someone who came back into the 
> PDML after being away for a while, I was surprised at how mean spirited 
> it has become.
> I'll date myself but I'm thinking of a song from a while back -
> "There ain't no good guys,
> There ain't no bad guys,
> There's just you and me
> And we just disagee."
> I probably got the quote wrong. I get most things wrong.
> People can disagree without being disagreeable. I don't care who tapped 
> who when or what the score is - let's just give this crap a break and 
> agree to be civil, and make this list something worth reading.
> - MCC
> Tim Øsleby wrote:
>> Bill and John. 
>> Now you are both doing it again, in a thread where the OP was about exact
>> this phenomenon. 
>> My instinct reaction is being angry at you both. But I'll try to behave
>> myself.
>> Can't the two of you have a PDML duel somewhere in the desert, like real
>> men, instead of this constant bitching ;-) 
>> Seriously: Can't you simply ignore each other? How about mutual kill
> filing?
>> Am I asking to much?
>> Tim
>> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

Things should be made as simple as possible -- but no simpler.
                        --Albert Einstein

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