Not so much, however if you can find some of his commentary on Ringworld 
science, (spurred  by fan comments on technological "mistakes" in 
Ringworld design and engineering), it's well worth looking for.  Not 
that subsequent Ringworld stories aren't good, just that I wouldn't go 
out of my way to look for most of them. The first is the best, as is usual.

SJ wrote:
> On 12/18/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 18/12/06, SJ, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>> will keep an eye open for the Chichester book too. is it still in print?
>> I found a copy in a used book shop for a couple of quid.
>> <>
> thanks cotty, that was one of the first sites i went to after seeing
> your mail :)
> i still have a cheap paperback of "ringworld" bought in the 80s lying
> around in a carton somewhere. quite liked it though i haven't read any
> of the sequels. have i missed anything? :)
> regards, subash

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                        --Albert Einstein

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