If you're looking for "Golden Age" hard science fiction read Analog
A subscription is a good idea but it can be found in well stocked book 

Adam Maas wrote:
> There's a lot of good MilSF these days, but there's some excellent 
> non-miliary SF these days.
> I'd look at Ken Macleod for starters as well as Eric Flint's 1632 
> series, both touch at milSF but are more about people and societies. But 
> golde-age style SF pretty much died in the 60's. Most non-milSF these 
> days is pretty out there utopian stuff, although there are gems in there.
> Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy is another good non-military SF series.
> -Adam
> graywolf wrote:
>> Kind of liked them myself. Niven has more imagination than most SF 
>> writers. The Integral Trees series was great too.
>> Strangely the only SF that seems to be being written these days is the 
>> military stuff. Everything else they are calling SF are really fairy 
>> tales, pseudo magic instead of pseudo science. Sigh, I do miss the old 
>> stuff. Sometimes the old authors surprise you. I was rereading SeeTee 
>> Ship the other day, written in 1949 or 50 the character was using what 
>> was called a NewsFax, but the description sounded like an Internet 
>> connected laptop.
>> Space Ship One is the only thing happening in real life that is anything 
>> like the SF I read as a kid that I can think of.
>> Cotty wrote:
>>> On 18/12/06, SJ, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>>> i still have a cheap paperback of "ringworld" bought in the 80s lying
>>>> around in a carton somewhere. quite liked it though i haven't read any
>>>> of the sequels. have i missed anything? :)
>>> Jumping Jupiter! Only two sequels. Ringworld Engineers and Ringworld
>>> Throne. All three absolute stunners!

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