Markus Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is Agfa the best ISO 100 film for your night shots or do you use different
> brands?

The Optima 100 I've bought is mostly for daylight work. 

I normally use ISO 400 for the night stuff to keep exposure durations
with the Noblex  (i.e  camera running times, approx. 10 times the actual
exposure) down to a max. of two hours at f8 or 30 minutes with the 617
at f22.  

The Optima 100 and 400 cope astonishingly well with mixed light
situations. Recently, the usual combination of fluorescent and sodium
vapour has been made even more complicated by the advent of xenon
lighting and the Optima is the least problematic film to scan if all
three varieties are present, even better than Portra. 

I also like the Agfa colours for normal daylight work. 

Besides, it is available dirt cheap, here. About 1,40 for Optima 100 and
1,00 for Optima 400 if its bought in batches of 100 films. 

Other than that I use Portra 160 and 400 when I can get hold of it on

My experiences with Fuji (NPS/NPH) have been far from satisfactory in
night photography. Far more halation probs than with Agfa or Kodak.

> Is there any color negative film slower than ISO100 available in Germany?

None that I know of but no prob for me. With 612 and 617, grain just
isn't a major concern. 


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
private homepage:
manual cameras and photo galleries - updated Jan. 10, 2005
Contarex - Kiev 60 - Horizon 202 - P6 mount lenses

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